ワードウルフ(ワード人狼) - 完全無料!言葉を使う人気の人狼ゲーム

by CanvasSoft



Popular party game to play with young and old people to locate the people who were given a different "theme"! Joint party Nashi game definitely the app blast!

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全員同じ「お題」に対して1人だけ違う「お題」が与えられた!?違う「お題」を与えられた人を会話を通して探し当てる人狼ゲーム/人狼アプリの言葉版大人気パーティーゲーム!アトラクションの待ち時間の時間潰し、高校や学校の昼休み、友達との遊び時間、飲み会や親戚とのパーティーでも簡単に遊べます!コミニュケーション促進に持ってこいのワード人狼を手軽に遊べるお手軽アプリ!友達と仲良くなれる大人気テーブルゲームです!みんなの議論の中で少数派を見つけ出そう!特に合コンアプリとして初対面の人でも簡単にコミニュケーションが取れて仲良くなれちゃうお手軽合コンアプリです!友達と待ち時間で笑い倒せる楽しいアプリ!いろいろな所で手軽に遊べてコミュニケーション活性化を図ろう!【ルール】このゲームは少数派の答えを与えられた人を見つけ出すゲームです。少数派の人を見つけ出せたら多数派の勝ち。見つけられなかったら少数派の勝ちになります。【流れ】1. アプリの指示に沿って、各プレイヤーに「お題」が割当られます。2. 議論の時間になったら各自で自分のお題についてヒントを出し合います。3. 時間になったら少数派だと思う人を一斉に指をさして指名します。4. 一番、指名が多かった人が少数派となります。5. 少数派が決定したらせーので自分のお題を言って答え合わせをしてください。6. 指名された人が少数派だったら多数派の勝ち。違う場合は少数派の勝ちになります。Different all only one person for the same "theme" "theme" is given! ?Different "theme" people locate through the conversation the people who were given a wolf game / werewolf app word version of the popular party game!Crushing time of the attraction of the waiting time, lunch break of the high school and school, time to play with friends, you can play easily even at a party with drinking and relatives!Easy app to play the words wolf Bring to Kominyukeshon promoted easy!It is good friends become very popular table game with your friends!Trying to figure out minority in everyones discussion!In particular, also easily in the first meeting of the person as a joint party app Kominyukeshon is handy joint party app thatll become friends and take!Fun app that beat laugh at my friends and latency!Attempt is made to communicate activated easily play in various places!【rule】This game is a game to find the person who was given the answer of the minority.Majority wins After finding the desired people of the minority.I can not find will to win of the minority.【flow】1. along the instructions of the application, "theme" is assigned to each player.2. brainstormed a hint about their own with their own theme Once you become a time of discussion.3. nominated simultaneously pointing the finger of the person you think is the minority When the time to become.4. best, people nominated in many cases will be the minority.5. Since Se When the minority is determined Please refer to the answers with saying their own theme.6. nominee wins the majority you were the minority. If a different will be the winner of the minority.いつもワードウルフを遊んでいただきありがとうございます。今回、複数の画面サイズの対応とヘッダー広告の削除APIレベルの変更を行いました。今後ともワードウルフをよろしくお願いいたします。